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System Environment/Daemons
Pound -
Reverse proxy and load balancer
aiccu -
AICCU - SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
apcupsd -
APC UPS Power Control Daemon for Linux
athcool -
Enables/disables Powersaving mode for AMD processors
audio-entropyd -
Generate entropy from audio output
autodir -
Creates user directories on demand
bitlbee -
IRC to other chat networks gateway
boa -
Single-tasking HTTP server
camE -
Rewrite of the xawtv webcam app, which adds imlib2 support
cfs -
Userspace crypto-filesystem
conserver -
Serial console server daemon/client
cyrus-imapd -
A high-performance mail server with IMAP, POP3, NNTP and SIEVE support.
dap-freeform_handler -
FreeForm data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
dap-hdf4_handler -
HDF4 data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
dap-netcdf_handler -
NetCDF 3 data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
dap-server -
Basic request handling for OPeNDAP servers
dbmail -
The DBMail mail storage system
ddclient -
Client to update dynamic DNS host entries
dhcp-forwarder -
DHCP relay agent
dnsmasq -
A lightweight DHCP/caching DNS server
eds-feed -
Evolution Data Server feed for Galago
exim -
The exim mail transfer agent
fail2ban -
Ban IPs that make too many password failures
fedora-ds-base -
Fedora Directory Server (base)
fnfx -
Hotkey functions for Toshiba laptops
galago-daemon -
Galago presence daemon
gift -
Daemon for communicating with filesharing protocols
gpsd -
Service daemon for mediating access to a GPS
greylistd -
Greylisting daemon
heartbeat -
Heartbeat subsystem for High-Availability Linux
ices -
Source streaming for Icecast
ifplugd -
Detect and take action when an ethernet cable is unplugged
inadyn -
Dynamic DNS Client
ip-sentinel -
Tool to prevent unauthorized usage of IP addresses
ipxripd -
IPX RIP/SAP daemon - routing for IPX networks
ircd-hybrid -
Internet Relay Chat Server
jabberd -
OpenSource server implementation of the Jabber protocols
jack-audio-connection-kit -
The Jack Audio Connection Kit
kannel -
WAP and SMS gateway
l2tpd -
Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Daemon (RFC 2661)
lighttpd -
Lightning fast webserver with light system requirements
lirc -
The Linux Infrared Remote Control package
lvcool -
Utility to cool down Athlon CPUs when idle on Via KT133 or KX133 chipsets
milter-greylist -
Milter for greylisting, the next step in the spam control war
milter-regex -
Sendmail milter plugin for regular expression filtering
mimedefang -
E-Mail filtering framework using Sendmail's Milter interface
mod_annodex -
Apache module for server-side support of annodex media
mod_auth_pam -
PAM authentication module for Apache
mod_auth_shadow -
An Apache module for authentication using /etc/shadow
mod_cband -
Bandwidth limiting for virtual hosts
mod_extract_forwarded -
Extract real source IP for forwarded HTTP requests
mod_fcgid -
Apache2 module for high-performance server-side scripting
mod_geoip -
GeoIP module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_mono -
A module to deploy an ASP.NET application on Apache with Mono
mod_nss -
SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP server
mod_revocator -
CRL retrieval module for the Apache HTTP server
mod_security -
Security module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_suphp -
An apache2 module for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners
munin -
Network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer)
newscache -
Free cache server for USENET News
nginx -
Robust, small and high performance http and reverse proxy server
nsd -
NSD is a complete implementation of an authoritative DNS name server
oddjob -
A D-BUS service which runs odd jobs on behalf of client applications
oidentd -
Implementation of the RFC1413 identification server
pcsc-lite -
PC/SC Lite smart card framework and applications
pdns -
A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver
pdns-recursor -
Modern, advanced and high performance recursing/non authoritative nameserver
plone -
User friendly and powerful open source Content Management System
pop-before-smtp -
Watch log for POP/IMAP auth, notify MTA to allow relay
postgrey -
Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
proftpd -
Flexible, stable and highly-configurable FTP server
pulseaudio -
Improved Linux sound server
pure-ftpd -
Lightweight, fast and secure FTP server
queuegraph -
A RRDtool frontend for Mail statistics
rbldnsd -
Small, fast daemon to serve DNSBLs
rinetd -
TCP redirection server
rpld -
RPL/RIPL remote boot daemon
sec -
SEC (simple event correlator)
ser -
SIP Express Router
spamass-milter -
Sendmail milter for spamassassin
spampd -
Transparent SMTP/LMTP proxy filter using spamassassin
sqlgrey -
Postfix grey-listing policy service
suck -
Download news from remote NNTP server
synergy -
Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
syslog-ng -
Syslog replacement daemon
tclhttpd -
Extensible Web+Application server written in Tcl
thttpd -
Tiny, turbo, throttleable lightweight http server
tor -
Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (The onion router)
torque -
Tera-scale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager
ttywatch -
Log output of arbitrarily many devices
ucarp -
Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) for Unix
ulogd -
The userspace logging daemon for netfilter
up-imapproxy -
University of Pittsburgh IMAP Proxy
uw-imap -
UW Server daemons for IMAP and POP network mail protocols
vnstat -
Console-based network traffic monitor
xl2tpd -
Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Daemon (RFC 2661)
xsp -
A small web server that hosts ASP.NET
zope -
Web application server for flexible content management applications