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Letter: M
Macaulay2 -
System for algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
Maelstrom -
A space combat game.
MagicPoint -
X based presentation software
MochiKit -
A lightweight JavaScript library
mach -
make a chroot
magicor -
Push ice blocks around to extenguish all fires
mail-notification -
Status icon that informs you if you have new mail
makebootfat -
Utility for creation bootable FAT disk
man-pages-uk -
Ukrainian man pages from the Linux Documentation Project
manaworld -
2D MMORPG world
manedit -
UNIX Manual Page Editor
mantis -
Web-based bugtracking system
mathml-fonts -
Mathematical symbol fonts
maxima -
Symbolic Computation Program
mboxgrep -
Displays e-mail messages matching a pattern
mbuffer -
Measuring Buffer is an enhanced version of buffer
mcrypt -
Replacement for crypt()
mdsplib -
METAR Decoder Software Package Library
meanwhile -
Lotus Sametime Community Client library
mecab -
Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
mecab-ipadic -
IPA dictionary for MeCab
mecab-jumandic -
JUMAN dictorionary for MeCab
mediawiki -
A wiki engine
meld -
Visual diff and merge tool
memchan -
In-memory channels for Tcl
mercurial -
A fast, lightweight distributed source control management system
metakit -
Embeddable database
metamonitor -
A Simple program that watches log files and popup its changes
metapixel -
A Photomosaic Generator
mew -
Mew - Messaging in the Emacs World.
mfstools -
Utilities for TiVo drive upgrades
mftrace -
Utility for converting TeX bitmap fonts to Type 1 or TrueType fonts
mgopen-fonts -
Truetype greek fonts
mhash -
Thread-safe hash algorithms library
mhonarc -
Perl mail-to-HTML converter
miau -
Full-featured IRC bouncer
migemo -
Japanese incremental search tool
milter-greylist -
Milter for greylisting, the next step in the spam control war
milter-regex -
Sendmail milter plugin for regular expression filtering
mimedefang -
E-Mail filtering framework using Sendmail's Milter interface
mimetex -
Easily embed LaTeX math in web pages
mimetic -
A full featured MIME library written in C++
mirage -
A fast and simple image viewer
mirrormagic -
Puzzle game where you steer a beam of light using mirrors
mkvtoolnix -
Matroska container manipulation utilities
mlmmj -
Mailserver-independent ezmlm-like mailing list manager
mlton -
Optimizing compiler for Standard ML
mm -
Shared memory allocation library
mmv -
Move/copy/append/link multiple files
mock -
Builds packages inside chroots
mod_annodex -
Apache module for server-side support of annodex media
mod_auth_pam -
PAM authentication module for Apache
mod_auth_shadow -
An Apache module for authentication using /etc/shadow
mod_cband -
Bandwidth limiting for virtual hosts
mod_extract_forwarded -
Extract real source IP for forwarded HTTP requests
mod_fcgid -
Apache2 module for high-performance server-side scripting
mod_geoip -
GeoIP module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_mono -
A module to deploy an ASP.NET application on Apache with Mono
mod_nss -
SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP server
mod_revocator -
CRL retrieval module for the Apache HTTP server
mod_security -
Security module for the Apache HTTP Server
mod_suphp -
An apache2 module for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners
moin -
MoinMoin is a Python clone of WikiWiki
moin-latex -
LaTeX plugin for the MoinMoin wiki
monkey-bubble -
Game in the spirit of Frozen Bubble
monodevelop -
A full-featured IDE for Mono and Gtk sharp
monodoc -
The mono documentation system
monotone -
A free, distributed version control system
monsterz -
Puzzle game, similar to Bejeweled or Zookeeper
moodle -
A Course Management System
moodss -
Powerful modular monitoring graphical application
moomps -
Powerful modular monitoring service
most -
more, less, most
mozldap -
Mozilla LDAP C SDK
mpc -
Command-line client for MPD
mtd-utils -
Utilities for dealing with MTD (flash) devices
muParser -
A fast math parser library
muine -
Music Player for GNOME
multican -
Remote control utility for Canon cameras
multisync -
Calendar (and other PIM data) synchronization program
multitail -
View one or multiple files like tail but with multiple windows
munin -
Network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer)
muse -
Emacs Muse is an authoring and publishing environment for Emacs
museek+ -
A Soulseek filesharing client
musicbox -
A simple one-file-at-a-time audio tag editor
mussh -
Multihost SSH wrapper
mxml -
Miniature XML development library
mysql++ -
C++ wrapper for the MySQL C API
mysql-connector-java -
Official JDBC driver for MySQL
mysql-gui-tools -
GUI tools to manage mysql Databases