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MochiKit -
A lightweight JavaScript library
altermime -
Alter MIME-encoded mailpacks
amaya -
W3C's browser/web authoring tool
amsn -
MSN Messenger clone for Linux, Mac and Windows
apachetop -
A top-like display of Apache logs
apollon -
Filesharing client
archivemail -
A tool for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes
argus -
Network transaction audit tool
aria2 -
High speed download utility with resuming and segmented downloading
autossh -
Utility to autorestart SSH tunnels
awstats -
Advanced Web Statistics
azureus -
A BitTorrent Client
balsa -
Mail Client
bittorrent -
BitTorrent swarming network file transfer tool
blam -
An RSS/RDF feed reader
blogtk -
GNOME application for editing/maintaining blogs
bogofilter -
Fast anti-spam filtering by Bayesian statistical analysis
buoh -
Online comics reader
centericq -
Text mode menu- and window-driven IM
claws-mail -
The extended version of Sylpheed
claws-mail-plugins -
Additional plugins for claws-mail
cone -
CONE mail reader
ctorrent -
BitTorrent Client written in C
ctrlproxy -
d4x -
Downloader for X that supports resuming and many other features
dclib -
Direct Connect file sharing library
deskbar-applet -
A Gnome applet to allow easy access to various search engines
dillo -
Very small and fast GUI web browser
driftnet -
Network image sniffer
drivel -
A journal or "blog" client
echoping -
TCP "echo" performance test
ejabberd -
A distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server
ekg -
A client compatible with Gadu-Gadu
emacs-vm -
Emacs VM mailreader
enemies-of-carlotta -
A simple mailing list manager
epiphany-extensions -
Extensions for Epiphany, the GNOME web browser
esmtp -
User configurable relay-only Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
ettercap -
Network traffic sniffer/analyser, NCURSES interface version
evolution-bogofilter -
A plugin for bogofilter support in evolution
ez-ipupdate -
Client for Dynamic DNS Services
firestarter -
Firewall tool for GNOME
flumotion -
Flumotion - the Fluendo Streaming Server
fping -
Scriptable, parallelized ping-like utility
freenx -
Free Software (GPL) Implementation of the NX Server
gaim-guifications -
Guifications Plugin for Gaim
gaim-meanwhile -
Lotus Sametime Community Client plugin for Gaim
gaim-otr -
Off-The-Record Messaging plugin for GAIM
gaim-rhythmbox -
Rhythmbox plugin for GAIM
gajim -
Jabber client written in PyGTK
galeon -
GNOME2 Web browser based on Mozilla
ganglia -
Ganglia Distributed Monitoring System
gg2 -
GNU Gadu 2 - free talking
gnome-applet-netspeed -
GNOME applet that shows traffic on a network device
gnome-blog -
GNOME panel object for posting blog entries
gnubiff -
A mail notification program
gobby -
Free collaborative editor
gq -
Graphical LDAP directory browser and editor
gstm -
A front-end to ssh tunneling
gtk-gnutella -
GUI based Gnutella Client
gtorrentviewer -
A GTK2-based viewer and editor for BitTorrent meta files
gurlchecker -
A Gnome link validity checker
gwget -
Graphical download manager that uses wget
horde -
The common Horde Framework for all Horde applications
hping2 -
TCP/IP stack auditing and much more
http_ping -
HTTP latency measuring utility
hunt -
Tool for demonstrating well known weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol suite
ibmonitor -
Interactive bandwidth monitor
iftop -
Command line tool that displays bandwidth usage on an interface
imp -
The Internet Messaging Program: webmail access to IMAP/POP3 accounts
ingo -
The Horde web-based Email Filter Rules Manager
ip6sic -
IPv6 Stack Integrity Checker
iperf -
Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance
isic -
IP Stack Integrity Checker
jd -
A 2ch browser
jeta -
Horde Java SSH module
jigdo -
Ease distribution of large files over the Internet
kadu -
An Gadu-Gadu client for online messaging
kadu-theme -
Kadu themes
kasablanca -
Graphical FTP client
kazehakase -
Kazehakase browser
keychain -
Agent manager for OpenSSH, ssh.com, Sun SSH, and GnuPG
kismet -
WLAN detector, sniffer and IDS
kita -
2ch client for KDE
knemo -
A KDE network monitoring tool
knetstats -
Network monitor in KDE
knetworkmanager -
KDE applet for Network Manager
konversation -
Konversation is a user friendly IRC client for KDE
kphotobymail -
A PyQt based application for uploading photos to flickr account
kronolith -
The Horde calendar application
ktorrent -
A BitTorrent program for KDE
leafnode -
Leaf site offline NNTP server
lft -
Alternate traceroute tool
licq -
Licq - A graphical ICQ Client for Linux
liferea -
An RSS/RDF feed reader
mail-notification -
Status icon that informs you if you have new mail
mantis -
Web-based bugtracking system
mboxgrep -
Displays e-mail messages matching a pattern
meanwhile -
Lotus Sametime Community Client library
mediawiki -
A wiki engine
mew -
Mew - Messaging in the Emacs World.
mhonarc -
Perl mail-to-HTML converter
miau -
Full-featured IRC bouncer
mlmmj -
Mailserver-independent ezmlm-like mailing list manager
moin -
MoinMoin is a Python clone of WikiWiki
moin-latex -
LaTeX plugin for the MoinMoin wiki
museek+ -
A Soulseek filesharing client
nail -
Enhanced implementation of the mailx command
naim -
An ncurses-based console AIM, ICQ, IRC, and Lily client
nbtscan -
Tool to gather NetBIOS info from Windows networks
nc6 -
Netcat with IPv6 Support
ncftp -
Improved console FTP client
netmask -
Utility for determining network masks
newsx -
NNTP news exchange utility
nfswatch -
An NFS traffic monitoring tool
ngrep -
Network layer grep tool
ninja -
Text based Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client
nmh -
A capable mail handling system with a command line interface.
nuttcp -
Tool for testing TCP connections
nx -
Proxy system for X11
ochusha -
A GTK+ 2ch.net BBS Browser
openvpn -
A full-featured SSL VPN solution
otrs -
The Open Ticket Request System
p0f -
Versatile passive OS fingerprinting tool
p0rn-comfort -
Support programs for browsing image-gallery sites
pan -
A GNOME/GTK+ news reader for X
pastebin -
A collaborative debugging tool
pcmanx-gtk2 -
Telnet client designed for BBS browsing
perl-Razor-Agent -
Use a Razor catalogue server to filter spam messages
phpMyAdmin -
Web based MySQL browser written in php
phpldapadmin -
Web-based tool for managing LDAP servers
planet -
Flexible RDF/RSS/Atom feed aggregator
poker-network -
Base package for poker client and server
pork -
Console based AIM client that looks like ircII
pptp -
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
prelude-manager -
prewikka -
Graphical front-end analysis console for the Prelude Hybrid IDS Framework
prozilla -
Advanced Linux download manager
psi -
Jabber client based on Qt
putty -
SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client
pyicq-t -
ICQ Transport for Jabber Servers
python-twisted -
Event-driven networking framework written in Python
pyzor -
Pyzor collaborative spam filtering system
qca-tls -
TLS plugin for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture
qsf -
Quick Spam Filter
radiusclient-ng -
RADIUS protocol client library
rblcheck -
Command-line interface to RBL-style listings
rt3 -
Request tracker 3
rtorrent -
BitTorrent client based on libtorrent
rtpproxy -
A symmetric RTP proxy
scanssh -
Fast SSH server and open proxy scanner
scponly -
Restricted shell for ssh based file services
seamonkey -
Web browser, e-mail, news, IRC client, HTML editor
smb4k -
The SMB/CIFS Share Browser for KDE
smolt -
Fedora hardware profiler
snort -
Intrusion detection system
snownews -
A text mode RSS/RDF newsreader
sobby -
Standalone obby server
socat -
Bidirectional data relay between two data channels ('netcat++')
ss5 -
Socks Server 5
ssmtp -
Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a Mailhub
straw -
GNOME desktop news aggregator
streamtuner -
A stream directory browser
swaks -
Command-line SMTP transaction tester
sylpheed -
GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast email client
tcpick -
A tcp stream sniffer, tracker and capturer
tin -
Basic Internet news reader
tinyfugue -
A MU* client
trac -
Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system
transmission -
A lightweight GTK+ BitTorrent client
turba -
The Horde contact management application
twinkle -
A SIP Soft Phone
urlgfe -
Urlgfe download manager
valknut -
Valknut is a QT Direct Connect client
vdradmin-am -
Web interface for VDR
vnc-reflector -
A specialized, multiplexing vnc proxy server
vpnc -
IPSec VPN client compatible with Cisco equipment
w3c-markup-validator -
W3C Markup Validator
w3m-el -
W3m interface for Emacs
websec -
Web Secretary - Web page monitoring software with highlighting
whatmask -
Convert between different netmask types and show information
wifi-radar -
A utility for managing WiFi profiles
x3270 -
An X Window System based IBM 3278/3279 terminal emulator
xchat-gnome -
GNOME front-end to xchat
xprobe2 -
Xprobe2 is an active operating system fingerprinting tool
yafc -
Yet Another FTP/SFTP Client
yaz -
Z39.50/SRW/SRU programs
ytalk -
A chat program for multiple users
zabbix -
Open-source monitoring solution for your IT infrastructure