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CastPodder -
CastPodder is a Media Aggregator
GraphicsMagick -
An ImageMagick fork, offering faster image generation and better quality
OpenSceneGraph -
High performance real-time graphics toolkit
PerceptualDiff -
An image comparison utility
abcMIDI -
ABC to/from MIDI conversion utilities
abcde -
A Better CD Encoder
abcm2ps -
A program to typeset ABC tunes into Postscript
adplay -
An AdLib (OPL2) music player build on AdPlug
adplug -
A software library for AdLib (OPL2) emulation
agave -
Generate a variety of colorschemes from a single starting color
alsa-oss -
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) wrapper for OSS
alsa-tools -
The ALSA Tools
amarok -
Media player for KDE
amarokFS -
Simple, nice looking full screen front-end for Amarok
aqsis -
Open source RenderMan-compliant 3D rendering solution
ardour -
Multichannel Digital Audio Workstation
audacity -
A multitrack audio editor
aumix -
Audio mixer based on ncurses
autotrace -
Utility for converting bitmaps to vector graphics
banshee -
easily import, manage, and play selections from your music collection
blender -
3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
bmp -
GTK2 based port of the XMMS media player
bmp-flac2 -
Plugin to enable FLAC playback in the Beep Media Player
byzanz -
A desktop recorder
camstream -
Set of programs to make use of your webcam
cd-discid -
Utility to get CDDB discid information
cowbell -
Music organazier
dia -
Diagram drawing program
digikam -
A digital camera accessing & photo management application
digikamimageplugins -
Plugins for Digikam
dssi -
Disposable Soft Synth Interface
dvb-apps -
Utility, demo and test applications using the Linux DVB API
easytag -
Tag editor for mp3, ogg, flac and other music files
enblend -
Image Blending with Multiresolution Splines
espeak -
Software speech synthesizer (text-to-speech)
exiv2 -
Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
fbida -
FrameBuffer Imageviewer
feh -
Fast command line image viewer using Imlib2
flac123 -
Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
flite -
Small, fast speech synthesis engine (text-to-speech)
fluidsynth -
Real-time software synthesizer
fmio -
FM radio card manipulation utility
fontypython -
TTF font manager
gcdmaster -
A Gnome2 Disk-At-Once (DAO) Audio CD writer
gif2png -
A GIF to PNG converter
gkrellm-volume -
GKrellM volume plugin
gkrellmms -
GKrellM XMMS plugin
gmpc -
GNOME frontend for the MPD
gnash -
GNU flash movie player
gnomad2 -
A GNOME 2.0 client for the Creative Jukeboxes and Dell DJs
gnome-applet-music -
A GNOME panel applet to control various music players
gnome-applet-rhythmbox -
A GNOME panel applet to control Rhythmbox's playback
gnomebaker -
Gnome CD/DVD burner
gnomeradio -
Graphical FM-Tuner program for GNOME
gocr -
GNU Optical Character Recognition program
graphviz -
Graph Visualization Tools
grip -
Front-end for CD rippers and Ogg Vorbis encoders
gstreamer-plugins-pulse -
GStreamer 0.10 plugin for the PulseAudio sound server
gstreamer08 -
GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
gstreamer08-plugins -
GStreamer Streaming media framework plug-ins
gwenview -
Simple image viewer for KDE
hexter-dssi -
DSSI software synthesizer plugin emulating DX7
hugin -
Frontend for Panorama Tools, similar to PTAssembler, PTGui or Open for Windows
icecast -
ShoutCast compatible streaming media server
id3v2 -
Command line id3v2 tag editor
istanbul -
Desktop Session Recorder
jhead -
Tool for displaying EXIF data embedded in JPEG images
k3b-extras -
Free codec plugins for k3b
k3d -
A 3D Modeling, Animation and Rendering System
kaffeine -
Xine-based media player
kdemultimedia-extras -
Extras for KDE multimedia applications
kdetv -
KDE application for watching TV
kid3 -
Efficient ID3 tag editor
kipi-plugins -
Plugins to use with Kipi
kphotoalbum -
KDE Photo Album
libcdio -
CD-ROM input and control library
libkexiv2 -
A library to manipulate EXIF/IPTC information
libmpd -
Music Player Daemon Library
libvisual -
Abstraction library for audio visualisation plugins
libvisual-plugins -
Plugins for use with libvisual
listen -
A music manager and player for GNOME
metapixel -
A Photomosaic Generator
mkvtoolnix -
Matroska container manipulation utilities
mpc -
Command-line client for MPD
muine -
Music Player for GNOME
multican -
Remote control utility for Canon cameras
musicbox -
A simple one-file-at-a-time audio tag editor
ncmpc -
A curses client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
nip2 -
Interactive tool for working with large images
nomadsync -
A music synchronization program form portable audio players
nyquist -
Sound synthesis and composition language with a Lisp syntax
paman -
Management tool for PulseAudio
pavucontrol -
Volume control for PulseAudio
pavumeter -
Volume meter for PulseAudio
perl-Image-ExifTool -
Utility for reading and writing image meta info
qiv -
Quick Image Viewer
qjackctl -
Qt based JACK control application
qsynth -
Qt based Fluidsynth GUI front end
quodlibet -
A music management program
rawstudio -
Raw-image converter
renrot -
A program to rename and rotate files according to EXIF tags
rosegarden4 -
MIDI, audio and notation editor
schismtracker -
Sound module composer/player
seq24 -
Real-time midi sequencer
serpentine -
Audio CD Burner
showimg -
Feature-rich image viewer for KDE
skencil -
Vector drawing program
soundconverter -
A simple sound converter application for GNOME
soundtracker -
Sound module composer/player
sweep -
An audio editor and live playback tool
swh-plugins -
A set of audio plugins for LADSPA
tagtool -
Ogg Vorbis and MP3 tag manager
tclabc -
A Tcl interface and a Tk GUI to the ABC notation
tellico -
A collection manager
tuxpaint -
Drawing program designed for young children
tuxpaint-stamps -
Extra stamp files for tuxpaint
ufraw -
GIMP plugin to retrieve raw image data from digital cameras
ushare -
UPnP (TM) A/V Media Server
vdr -
Video Disk Recorder
vdr-femon -
DVB frontend status monitor plugin for VDR
vdr-osdteletext -
OSD teletext plugin for VDR
vdr-subtitles -
DVB subtitles plugin for VDR
videodog -
Command-line video4linux frame-grabber
vorbisgain -
Adds tags to Ogg Vorbis files to adjust the volume
wavbreaker -
Tool for splitting .wav files
wavpack -
A completely open audiocodec
wings -
3D Subdivision Modeler
xaos -
A fast, portable real-time interactive fractal zoomer
xmms -
The X MultiMedia System, a media player
xmms-acme -
XMMS plugin to use special multimedia keys in GNOME or through acme
xmms-adplug -
An XMMS plugin for AdLib (OPL2) music built on AdPlug
xmms-alarm -
Plugin for using XMMS as an alarm clock
xmms-arts -
X MultiMedia System output plugin for the aRts sound system
xmms-cdread -
Digital audio CD input plugin for XMMS
xmms-crossfade -
Audio crossfade plugin for XMMS
xmms-flac -
XMMS plugin needed to play FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) files
xmms-lirc -
X MultiMedia System control plugin to use infrared devices
xmms-modplug -
Modplug Plugin for XMMS
xmms-musepack -
X MultiMedia System input plugin to play musepack (mpc) files
xmms-scrobbler -
Audioscrobbler plugin for XMMS
xmms-sid -
SIDPlay input plugin for X MultiMedia System (XMMS)
xmms-skins -
Skins for the X MultiMedia System
xmms-speex -
X MultiMedia System input plugin to play speex files
zynaddsubfx -
Real-time software synthesizer