User Interface/Desktops
- WindowMaker - A fast, feature rich Window Manager
- bbkeys - Completely configurable key-combo grabber for blackbox
- blackbox - Very small and fast Window Manager
- fbdesk - Icon Manager for Fluxbox
- fluxbox - Window Manager based on Blackbox
- fluxconf - Configuration utility for fluxbox
- gai - Generic Applet Interface
- gai-pal - GAI Pal applet
- gai-temp - GAI based applet that displays HDD and CPU temperature
- gdeskcal - Eye-candy calendar for your desktop.
- gdesklets - Advanced architecture for desktop applets
- glunarclock - GNOME applet that displays the current lunar phase
- gnome-applet-sensors - Gnome panel applet for hardware sensors
- gnome-applet-timer - A countdown timer applet for the GNOME panel
- gnome-cpufreq-applet - CPU frequency scaling monitor applet
- gnome-theme-clearlooks - An attractive GTK+ 2 engine with a focus on usability
- gnome-theme-clearlooks-bigpack - Additional Clearlooks color schemes
- gnome-themes-extras - Collection of metathemes for the GNOME desktop environment
- gnome-translate - GNOME interface to libtranslate -- Natural language translator
- gtk-qt-engine - A project allowing GTK to use Qt widget styles.
- gtk-xfce-engine - Port of Xfce engine to GTK+-2.0
- gtweakui - Extra configuration dialogs for GNOME
- hackedbox - The bastard son of Blackbox, a small and fast Window Manager
- kdocker - Dock any application in the system tray
- kxdocker - A Mac OSX style docker
- kxdocker-resources - Plugins, Sounds, and Themes for kxdocker
- logjam - GTK2 client for LiveJournal
- logjam-xmms - LogJam helper binary
- nautilus-actions - Nautilus extension for customizing the context menu
- nautilus-sendto - Nautilus context menu for sending files
- nautilus-sendto-gaim - Nautilus integration for GAIM
- seahorse - GNOME2 interface for gnupg
- superkaramba - Custom content on the desktop
- themes-backgrounds-gnome - Assorted Backgrounds from
- uim-gnome - GNOME Applet for Uim
- uim-gtk2 - GTK+2 support for Uim
- uim-qt - Qt support for Uim
- xfcalendar - Time-managing application for Xfce4
- xfce4-appfinder - Appfinder for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment
- xfce4-battery-plugin - Battery monitor for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-clipman-plugin - Clipboard manager plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-cpugraph-plugin - CPU monitor for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-datetime-plugin - Date/time plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-diskperf-plugin - Disk performance plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-fsguard-plugin - Filesystem-Guard plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-genmon-plugin - Generic monitor plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-icon-theme - Icons for Xfce
- xfce4-minicmd-plugin - Mini command-line plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-mixer - Volume control plugin for the Xfce 4 panel
- xfce4-modemlights-plugin - Modemlights for the XFCE panel
- xfce4-mount-plugin - Mount/unmount utility for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-netload-plugin - Network-load monitor for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-notes-plugin - Notes plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin - Quicklauncher plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-screenshooter-plugin - Screenshot utility for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-sensors-plugin - Sensors plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-showdesktop-plugin - Show-Desktop plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-systemload-plugin - Systemload monitor for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-taskbar-plugin - Tasklist plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-taskmanager - Taskmanager for the Xfce desktop environment
- xfce4-toys - Various tools for Xfce4
- xfce4-trigger-launcher - A panel plugin acting as a launcher with two states
- xfce4-wavelan-plugin - WaveLAN plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-weather-plugin - Weather plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-websearch-plugin - Websearch plugin from the XFCE panel
- xfce4-windowlist-plugin - Windowlist plugin for the Xfce panel
- xfce4-xkb-plugin - XKB layout switcher for the Xfce panel
- yakuake - Terminal emulator for KDE