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Letter: R
R -
A language for data analysis and graphics
R-devel -
files for development of R packages.
R-gnomeGUI -
GNOME Console for R
R-mAr -
R module to evaluate functions for multivariate AutoRegressive analysis
rblcheck -
Command-line interface to RBL-style listings
rbldnsd -
Small, fast daemon to serve DNSBLs
rdiff-backup -
Convenient and transparent local/remote incremental mirror/backup
regexxer -
A nifty GUI search/replace tool
rekall -
A KDE database front-end application
rekall-common -
Rekall common libraries
rekall-docs -
Rekall documentation
rekall-extra -
Rekall Extra Stuff Plugin
rekall-mysql -
Rekall MySQL driver
rekall-postgresql -
Rekall PostgreSQL driver
rekall-python -
Rekall Python support
rekall-runtime -
Rekall runtime environment
repoml -
Tools and data for working with RepoML files
revelation -
Password manager for GNOME 2
rkhunter -
A host-based tool to scan for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits
rocksndiamonds -
Underground digging game
rootsh -
Shell wrapper for auditing
rpmDirectoryCheck -
Tool to detect some RPM packaging errors
rpmlint -
Tool for checking common errors in RPM packages
rpmproc -
Perl script to help manage and build RPM packages
rpy -
Python interface to the R language
rrdtool -
Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data
rrdtool-devel -
RRDtool static libraries and header files
rtorrent -
BitTorrent client based on libtorrent
rxvt -
Rxvt (ouR XVT) - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
rxvt-unicode -
Rxvt-unicode is an unicode version of rxvt