Packages not in Groups

po4a - A tool maintaining translations anywhere

The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and
more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext
tools on areas where they were not expected like documentation.
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: po4a


Name Version Release Type Size Built
po4a 0.29 3.fc5 noarch 1.11 MiB Sun Jan 7 08:42:02 2007


* Thu Dec 28 17:00:00 2006 Axel Thimm <Axel{*}Thimm{%}ATrpms{*}net> - 0.29-3
- Update to 0.29.
* Sat Feb 18 17:00:00 2006 Axel Thimm <Axel{*}Thimm{%}ATrpms{*}net>
- Initial build.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)