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Letter: F
factory -
A C++ class library for multivariate polynomial data
fbdesk -
Icon Manager for Fluxbox
fbida -
FrameBuffer Imageviewer
fedora-rpmdevtools -
Fedora RPM Development Tools
fedora-usermgmt -
Fedora tools for user management
feh -
Fast command line image viewer using Imlib2
fetchlog -
The fetchlog utility displays the last new messages of a logfile
fftw -
Fast Fourier Transform library.
fig2ps -
Utility for converting xfig pictures to PS/PDF
fillets-ng -
Fish Fillets Next Generation, a puzzle game with 70 levels
fillets-ng-data -
Game data files for Fish Fillets Next Generation
fillets-ng-data-cs -
Czech audio data files for Fish Fillets Next Generation
firestarter -
The Firestarter firewall tool for GNOME
fish -
A friendly interactive shell
flow-tools -
Tool set for working with NetFlow data
fltk -
A C++ user interface toolkit for X11, Win32, and MacOS X
fluxbox -
Window Manager based on Blackbox
fluxconf -
Configuration utility for fluxbox
fnfx -
Hotkey functions for Toshiba laptops
fontforge -
Outline and bitmap font editor
fonts-hebrew-fancy -
Fancy fonts for Hebrew
fortune-firefly -
Quotes from the TV series "Firefly"
fortune-mod -
A program which will display a fortune
fpc -
Free Pascal Compiler
freealut -
Implementation of OpenAL's ALUT standard
freeciv -
The Freeciv multi-player strategy game
freedroid -
Clone of the C64 Game Paradroid
freedroidrpg -
Role playing game with Freedroid theme and Tux as the hero
freehdl -
GPLed free VHDL
freeze -
freeze/melt/fcat compression utilities
frotz -
Interpreter for Infocom and other Z-machine games
fslint -
FSlint - a utility to find and clean "lint" on a filesystem
fwbuilder -
Firewall Builder
fwrestart -
A way to more safely re-load firewall rules remotely
fyre -
A tool for creating artwork from chaotic functions